Kenya Hunter
  • mass communication
  • Class of 2018
  • Acworth, GA

Kenya Hunter of Acworth, Georgia, Contributes to 'Facing Homelessness' Project

2016 Dec 8

Kenya O'Keevia Hunter from Acworth, Georgia, was part of a nine-student editorial and feature writing mass communication class who contributed to and hosted the release event of a special publication, "The Brenau Facing Project: Facing Homelessness in Gainesville & Hall County" on Dec. 7 in the John S. Burd Center for the Performing Arts.

The book is a collection of stories that the students produced as part of a semester-long project to thoroughly research and report on the lives of those who are facing one of the most prevalent but sometimes least addressed issues in the Northeast Georgia community.

Hunter is a class of 2018 student majoring in mass communications.